noun \i-'va-pō-ˌtran(t)-spə-'rā-shən\


loss of water from the soil both by evaporation and by transpiration from the plants growing thereon Origin of EVAPOTRANSPIRATION evaporation + transpiration

Trees are breathing with a rhythm through a day, year after year, slow and unseen. It is, however, a critical part of nature cycle that plants give back what they don't need back to nature. Evapotranspiration is the phenomenon of evaporate excessive water taking from soil into the air, a move to keep trees grow and healthy. As an opportunity for an urban couple to construct a weekend getaway house on a tree, it is this opportunity that they can further interact with the nature.

The design is inspired by the mentioned observation. It investigates into the transpiration of plants and turns the subtle gesture into visualization on the tree house building skin so to have tree house breathing simultaneously with its host.

The programs and floor layout are designed to augment the expectation of a weekend house from an urban couple. Different floors have various openness to the nature which are designated to provide gathering, privacy and meditation. LIBRARY DECK/ SEMI PUBLIC/ SHELTERED OPEN AIR AREA Space area: 28.4 square meters, high ceiling with panorama glazing rooftop Program: library with nature view fix into a V shape of the branches and hung from other branches as well


The ‘breathing’ façade is made possible by adopting moisture sensitive polymer as ‘muscle tissues’ between modules which senses high moisture and opens the skin under various environmental factors that causes higher transpiration rate from the tree and uncomfortable microclimate within the house. The transitional pattern is reflecting the need for privacy and view from the inside. Once distribution is set, the pattern demonstrates different degrees of openness, for example, the contrast between day and night, rain or shine, even summer and winter